Welcome to Alfa Laval in Ronneby

alfa laval ronneby banner

Practical information

Traveling by public transport?

Nearest train station: Ronneby Resecenter

City bus stop: Gamla Hulta

Time table for bus and train (Blekingetrafiken)



Alfa Laval has free parking. The visitor car park is located at the main entrance, and other car parks can also be used if necessary. No parking permit is required.


At arrival

All visitors must register with the reception or the entrance guard. The easiest way to do this is to scan the QR code from your invitation or visit at the reception desk upon arrival.

You will be given a visitor badge. This badge must always be visible while at Alfa Laval. It shows that you are authorized to visit the facility.

After checking in, your host will be contacted. All visitors must be accompanied by an Alfa Laval employee.


Guest WiFi

You can use our free internet for guests during your visit. Login information is available on your visitor badge or from reception.

How to find us


Our reception is located at:

Alfa Laval Technologies AB

Metallgatan 2

372 38 Ronneby

If you have questions regarding your visit, please contact your host.


Road description

Ronneby google maps.png

Alfa Laval at Ronneby, Lund, Sweden
(Google Maps)

Safety is our first priority

An important part of Alfa Laval's security and safety work is that everyone who visit the premises feels safe and knows what rules and guidelines apply.

Please watch our visitor safety film

In a few minutes, you will learn about our rules to ensure your and Alfa Laval's safety, such as:

  • Escape routes
  • Assembly points
  • Defibrillator equipment
  • Photography prohibitions
  • Smoke-free site
  • And what to know when visiting production areas

Camera surveillance

Camera surveillance is in use at the Ronneby premises.


  • All handling of personal data takes place in accordance with the principle of responsibility in the data protection regulation.
  • Your personal data is never linked or stored together with film material unless there is suspicion of a crime.
  • The material is automatically deleted after a number of days and will not need to be shared for security reasons.
  • If film material is stored, you can request an excerpt of this or have the material deleted. You also have the right to complain about the treatment to a supervisory authority. Collected material can be handed over to the police in the event of a criminal investigation, otherwise no material is released to third parties.

Alfa Laval in Ronneby

The Site in Ronneby has two production buildings, Norths Production and South Production. The total production area including offices is approximately 25,000 m². The site is producing Heat Exchangers both copper brazed BHE and fusion bonded FHE Heat Exchangers.


Alfa Laval in brief - who we are and what we do

alfa laval ronneby aerialview2