Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 Training

PureBallast training

PureBallast 3 is designed for ease of use, which means crews can quickly learn how to operate and maintain the ballast water treatment system. However, ballast water treatment is still a relatively new application.

Dedicated training can help ensure compliant PureBallast 3 operation with the lowest cost – and contribute to maximizing system lifetime. By investing in PureBallast 3 training, you give crews competence in the application and the knowledge to operate your PureBallast system in the best possible way. Our trainings are available on board your vessel, at our training facilities around the world and digitally.


Engineering training

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Customer training

Customer training


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Utbildning ger trygghet för barlastvattenrening med mera

British Antarctic Survey (BAS) verkar i några av världens hårdaste och mest avlägsna miljöer. När de installerade Alfa Laval-system på sitt nya forskningsfartyg skickade organisationen besättningsmedlemmarna till Alfa Lavals träningscenter för att utbildas.

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