LabStak M10
The LabStak® M10 is the smallest and most compact of the Alfa Laval units for cross-flow membrane filtration. This versatile unit is an ideal tool for educational purposes and for research and development work. The Alfa Laval LabStak® M10 can be used with the complete range of Alfa Laval flat sheet membranes available for ultrafiltration and microfiltration.
Handy and flexible
With a membrane area of only 336 cm² the Alfa Laval LabStak® M10 is the smallest unit in the range of laboratory equipment offered by Alfa Laval. The design is simple, but the results obtained are comprehensive and reliable.
The Alfa Laval LabStak® M10 is an extremely reliable, yet easy to use, unit for process development and optimization, scaling-up as well as training purposes. The flexibility to install and test two membranes simultaneously makes it an efficient tool for initial membrane selection.
Alfa Laval LabUnit M10
The Alfa Laval LabUnit M10 is a fully integrated system comprising an Alfa Laval LabStak® M10 unit complete with necessary pump, valve, heat exchanger and instrumentation.
- membrane area of only 336 cm²
- easy exchange of membranes
- transparent plate for observation of cross-flow
- simultaneous test of two different membrane types
- high operating temperature (80°C)
- small test media volume (1-3 litres)
- hold-up volume only 57 ml
- flow pattern similar to that of larger modules
- all components in compliance with FDA and ECC regulations, allowing use within food and pharmaceutical processing applications
Så fungerar det
Matningsströmmen/retentatet flödar genom de öppna kanalerna över membranytan i platt- och stativenheten LabStakTM M10-modul.
Membranet stöds av ihåliga plattor med många slitsar som gör att permeatet kan samlas in och tas bort från enheten via permeatuppsamlingsrören.
Platt- och stativenheterna använder själva membranet, med hjälp av låsringar eller remsor, för att täta matningen/retentatet och förhindra blandning med permeatet. Detta förhindrar också läckage från själva plattan.