seasons greetings 2019 animated herobanner EUROPE

Wishing you and our planet a bright holiday

It’s time to turn the page again. So, please accept a heartfelt thank you from all of us at Alfa Laval for the past year and our ongoing relationship with you and your company. We also look forward to continued co-operation and a prosperous and exciting 2020, focusing on developing leading-edge, sustainable solutions.

We’re driving progress. Presently, enormous amounts of energy are lost in industrial processes, mainly in the form of waste heat. By using our high-technology heat exchangers, energy efficiency can be increased by up to 50 percent. This amounts to energy savings of an astonishing 50 GW. That’s the power needed for two billion light bulbs to bring light to people around the world. Talk about using watts more wisely!

Making the world better, every day. We strive to live in symbiosis with you as a customer. Your success is our mission. We want you to continue to challenge us with new ideas and inspire us with your passion. Working together, we can create responsible growth, giving both people and our planet a brighter life.

Season's greetings

Alfa Laval bidrar till de globala målen

FN har antagit 17 mål för hållbar utveckling för 2030, som kallas Globala mål och som världens ledare har lovat att uppnå. Nu är det upp till företag som vårt att ta oss dit.

Utforska hur Alfa Lavals kärnverksamhet bidrar till de globala målen

Read more about how we together with our customers make a difference

In the latest issue of our business magazine Here, you find more articles where our products and services contribute to a more sustainable world.

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