Online heat exchanger training
Looking to better understand what sets different types of plate heat exchangers apart? Want to learn how you can best choose the optimal heat exchanger to fit a given application or duty? Curious about how heat exchangers work? Using our decades of experience with these technologies, Alfa Laval has developed a series of self-guided online trainings that you can use to answer these questions and more.
Click below to start your course right away. Want to learn even more?
Contact us and we’ll be happy to work with you to set up a more in-depth training.
Understanding the different types of heat exchangers
Micro-learnings on heat exchanger design
Dig deeper with our heating and cooling webinars
Want to take your understanding of thermal technologies even further? Go beyond the basics and learn all about what is reshaping heating and cooling applications today. Join Alfa Laval’s subject experts for the first ever webinar series devoted to the latest trends – and solutions – shaping our industry. All webinars in the first series are now available to watch anytime on demand.

Behöver du fler verktyg och expertis?
Få mer av den kunskap som Alfa Laval skaffat under sin mer än 8 decenniers erfarenhet av termisk överföring. Från BIM-filer, 3D-ritningar, konsultverktyg och mycket mer, ta en titt på de många andra resurserna vi erbjuder på Alfa Lavals värme- och kylahubb.